Make free calls from your computer with Google Voice

A couple of weeks ago, I finally got an invitation from Google Voice, google voice is the new phone service, Google’s management had been itching to try since before it even was called Google Voice (back then, was called GrandCentral, and still I loved him really, really badly). Google’s voice has a ton of great features, and in many ways fundamentally change how you use your phone. Many things suddenly become easier with the voice of Google – checking your voice mail, sending text messages, and more – are all treated better direct your computer. But as of now, Google’s voice does not intrinsically let him make calls from your computer. I mean, I have a microphone and speakers on my computer and a fast internet connection – why I can not make calls, ideally for free? Well, as it is, I can – with a little legwork. Here is how to install it (I did this on a mac, so the addresses of the PC might be slightly different – the same rules apply, though).


Disclaimer: This is it assumed you’ve already got an account of the voice of Google. They sent invitations to the lightning-speed, so if you do not have one, go get on the list! Download and install Gizmo5 (create a free account, non-credit of the call – you will not need them!).

  1. Download and Install Gizmo5 (create a free account, with no call credits – you won’t need them!).
  2. Open Gizmo. In the “Home” tab of the application, click “Edit My Profile.”
  3. In the tab that pops up, you’ll see, filled in, a number for “SIP number.” Copy that number (everything before the @ sign).
  4. In Google Voice, click “Settings”, and then “Phones.”
  5. Click “Add Another phone” and paste the SIP number from Gizmo (again, only what’s before the @ Sign) into the box.
  6. Name the number “Gizmo” or whatever you want, and then Save it.


Now, make calls:

  1. Open Google Voice, and click “Call”
  2. Enter the number you want to call
  3. Make sure the Gizmo phone (whatever you called it) is selected as the “Phone to Ring”
  4. Click “Connect”
  5. You’ll get a pop-up from Gizmo, with your Google Voice number on the caller ID. Answer it!
  6. Google Voice will automatically dial and connect the other person, and you’ll be chatting from your computer!
Good luck, this whole process takes about 5 to 6 minutes and you will be able to make free calls. You do not need to pay anything, because this service is connecting your calls using SIP VoIP

Enjoy.......Regards Xtreamer!!

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