Rehman Malik Goes Online – Has got a website, Facebook Page and You Tube Channel Too

Rehman Malik, Interior Minister has got his fully functional website up and live – even more pleasing is that he will be available for chat with general public for one hour fortnightly. That’s pretty impressive on his part.
If you look at this website, it has got plenty of sections, including Videos, Pictures, press releases, latest news and much more including a newsletter.
Are you amazed? Here is even more amazing that Mr. Malik has got his Facebook page, Myspace, Friendster and even You Tube Channel.
Facebook page or other profiles haven’t got much content, maybe Malik’s team is process of making right now. But if you look at website’s feel, it is evident that minister has got some serious plans to follow.
So that’s what we call online presence…!
Apparently this is not official website – meaning that not run by the Government of Pakistan, however, Mr. Malik’s staff would be running it. Domain name was registered in the name of Faisal Malik back in May 2009 – looks he had this in mind for long.
If this is not official website, then there are good chances that Mr. Rehman may use the followers/readers/fans even when he won’t be in government.

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