Pakistani Online Resources for Job Hunters

There are plenty of job hunters who don’t know how to make efficient use of the internet in their quest for the ideal job so today I’ll be sharing resources you might find useful.

CV Management:

CeeVee is an online tool to help you make the perfect CV. It a simple, no frills tool which should cut down the time you spend making your CV.
Razume has its own resume builder, like CeeVee but the main attraction here is the community of reviewers who look at your resume and give suggestions as to how you can improve it. They’ll also rate its effectiveness so that you can have an idea of the resumes’ impact power.
The up-mentioned link will be immensely helpful and will guide you how to make an effective resume as well. It covers everything from the basics like guidelines to what you should add, to a list of “powerwords” you can substitute in your resume to make it more attractive.

Job hunting:

Billed as the Pakistan’s #1 jobsite, it has thousands of job offerings and is definitely a site you should check out.
Freelancing is a hot field right now and websites like Elance, Odesk etc are growing ever popular. You should visit the following websites and see if any of the posted jobs’ requirements overlap with your area of expertise.
Once your repute builds, these can be a steady source of income and in some cases might even become more attractive than a full time job. Most Pakistanis on these sites usually bid on jobs like article writing and programming.

Career blogs:

For interview and career advice, we already reviewed Mobilink Career Blog which should be a great help. As for other blogs you may find useful,
Feel free to share resources you find useful!

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