iFile 1.7.2-2

iFile 1.7.2-2 has been released in a very short time after previous update. iFile Deb 1.7.2-2 has fixed wrong field height in Preferences on iPad. iFile iOS deb is the best file manager and viewer for iPhone/iPod/iPad. iFile v1.7.2-2 is famous Cydia tweak which supports you to view the files openly as well as Text, Sound, MS Types, PDF, HTML and Movies. You can go straightly to any pages for PDF files. iFile also supports compressed file and ZIP packing and also edit the text files.
This is the latest version of iFile which allows you to download and upload with the help of iFile built-in web server. Latest iFile 1.7.2-2 Deb has Updated iFile’s web server’s favicon. Also it has avoided dead lock when password entry for FTP server was required, but GUI was blocked by glass pane. iFile for iPad is viewer and file manager and via iPhone file system, fast navigation can be possible. iFile is compatible for iPhone, iPod Touch and now for iPad and it requires iOS 4 or later. Main Specs, Crack and Changes in iFile 1.7.2-2 are given below.
iFile 1.7.2-2 Features
- File Browser
- Attributes Editor
- Image Viewer
- Web Viewer
- Audio and Video Player
- Preferences
- Localizations
- File Manger
- Document File Types: rtf, html, htm, pdf
- Microsoft File Types: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pps, pptx
- Apple iWork File Types: pages, numbers, key
- Other File Types: zip, 7z, deb, rar, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar.Z, tgz, tbz2, gz, bz2, Z, xml
- File Types via External Viewers:
- SQLite3: sqlite3, sqlitedb, db
- Interaction with other Tweaks/Applications (Cydia):
- Safari Download Manager: Allows to open saved files directly in iFile.
- AttachmentSaver: Allows to open saved files directly in iFile.
- Music Controls: allows to interact with iFile’s Audio Player e.g. on Lock Screen etc
iFile 1.7.2-2 Changes
- Fixed wrong field height in Preferences on iPad.
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