Softkhazana - Set Headers and Footers in word file.

Header is the information that is printed in the top margin of each page of the document. Footer is the information that is printed in the bottom margin of each page of the document. Both the header and the footer are displayed in print layout view. 
Headers and footers are inserted in order to display repeated text or graphics on the top or bottom of pages in a document. It saves your time to enter the same items in pages again and again. You can use the same header and footer throughout a document or change theheader and footer for part of the document. For footer on the first page, or leave the header or footer of the first page. You can also use different headers and footers on odd and even pages or for part of a document. 
To apply header or footer, follow these steps. 
  • Select "Header and Footer" from View menu, "Header and Footer" Floating Toolbar will appear. The header and footer sections of document are also activated.
  • Type Information for Header and Footer in area identified in top and bottom margins.
  • Select other options if required from Toolbar box and click Close button of Toolbar.

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