Softkhazana - How to troubleshoot by running Microsoft Office Diagnostics tool in Word 2007?

How to troubleshoot by running Microsoft Office Diagnostics tool in Word 2007?

If you are facing any problems while using Office or if you feel that the computer is slow or about to crash, you should troubleshoot by running Microsoft Office Diagnostics in Word 2007 or any other Office application such as Access 2007 or Excel 2007. The process to troubleshoot by running Microsoft Office diagnostics in Word 2007 is the same as Excel and Access 2007.  Microsoft Office Diagnostics is a tool that includes different tests to identify and self-repair or diagnose the issues faced by the user and help him repair them.  As you determine to troubleshoot by running Microsoft Office Diagnostics in Word 2007, you should first connect to the web. Also close all other applications or programs. Keep the Office 2007 installation CD handy as this diagnostic tool might prompt you to use it. Follow these steps to troubleshoot by running Microsoft Office Diagnostics in Word 2007:
Click on the Office button.

Click on the Word Options button at the bottom of the list.

Click on Resources in the left side of the menu.
Click on the "Diagnose" button in the next list in front of "run Microsoft Office Diagnostics".

Microsoft Office Diagnostics dialog box will appear. Click on the Continue button. (If you have run it before, you will see the Run Diagnostics Again button. Click on it.)

Click on Run Diagnostics.

However, if Word 2007 has crashed so much that it does not start, there is another way to open and run Microsoft Office Diagnostics. This troubleshooting tool called Microsoft Office Diagnostics can still be run by following this method: 
  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. Go to Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Tools > Microsoft Office Diagnostics
  3. Click on Microsoft Office Diagnostics.
  4. The Microsoft Office Diagnostics dialog box will open. Click on Continue or Run Diagnostics Again button.
  5. Click on Run Diagnostics.
It self-repairs the issues if possible or gives suggestions on how to resolve them if it cannot repair the issues itself. It can take up to fifteen minutes. It checks the computer or laptop for desktop RAM too. If the Automatic Update is on in your computer, Microsoft Office Diagnostics will check if the computer is advanced and modern with free service packs from Microsoft installed in it.  

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