opera-mini-5.1.22296-advanced-en with MZ Menu
Transparent BG
Sleep Mode
Manual/Auto RAM Recovery
Backup/Import RMS.db
Screenshot UI
Backlight Adjustment
Googlebot User-Agent
Removed Brand Logo
MZ Menu Definition:
1.) Start - run application.
2.) Stop - stop application.
3.) General settings
A.) Mimimize Key - the application minimizes to access MZ Menu in an assign key with an option to customize. Default value is "42" or (*) in keypad.
B.) Response Time - delay of minimize key to respond to the command.
C.) Sleep Timer - set a time to auto shut down the application (seconds). If set, save it by pressing Options/Save, and go to 'Preference/Sleep (ON) to activate/deactivate.
D.) Icon Size - you can adjust the icon size of the program shown in the MZ Menu, (48*48) is the default.
E.) RAM Recovery Interval - set a time (seconds) to run Auto-RAM recovery. If set, go to Preferences/Options/Recovery (ON), to activate/deactivate.
F.) Transparency - set Background transparency/opacity (1-255).
G.) Background Path - set an image in path where you'd like to appear in the Background of the program, "file://E:/dzeb.png" is the default, but you could customize it if you want.
H.) Backup Path - set/customize the database location ''file:///E:/Opera Mini.db'' is the default.
I.) Access Code - input a desired Password to protect the program. If set, the next moment you open the app it will promt you a password (optional).
3.1.) Options
A.) Create Backup - creates a backup in a specified path to Save Progress (.db)
B.) Import Backup - recover saved .db for Previous Saved Progress.
C.) Save - save general settings.
D.) Saved Directory - your saved paths in texts.
4.) Preferences - view Phone Memory Stats.
A. Recover RAM - manually cleanup Phone RAM.
B. Sleep (ON) - activate Sleep Mode.
C. Recovery (ON) - Activate RAM Auto-Recovery.
5.) Minimize - run in background.
6.) Set Backlight - set backlight brightness for visibility comfort by ajusting in left or right arrow key (not working on S.E. Device).
>>Clipboards - manage saved text contents.
>>D-loader - donwload JAR file extentions, to acces D-loader Menu, press and hold ''0'' or Zero to check and manage Jar downloads. Other options are save directory, change save path, import/backup .db and D-loader Setting.
>>Googlebot UA - for Desktop View.
>>Screenshot Menu - press and hold # to activate SSUI, to take screenshot press and hold Dial key (green). Options are Path for saving, Screen Shot Key, Menu Key, and Interval. You can customize this section.
>>Removed Brand Logo - the network logo is removed.
Key Codes Reference:
Left Soft Menu, -6
Right Soft Menu, -7
Green Dial Key, -10
C, -8
Up, -1
Down, -2
Left, -3
Right, -4
Center, -5
1, 49
2, 50
3, 51
4, 52
5, 53
6, 54
7, 55
8, 56
9, 57
*, 42
0, 48
#, 35
+Volume, -36
-Volume, -37
Snapshot, 25
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