How To Modify Opera Mini Server [Tutorial]
First you required following
1.) HxD Hex Editor
2.) Original Opera Mini 4.2 to be modified
3.) sjboy emulator for PC(not compulsory but for testing)
Ok Let's proceed:
Open your Opera Mini w/ Winrar

Drag n drop"a.class" file on desktop from above winrar

and now minimise this winrar
Open HxD Hex Editor
Press n"open" or "ctrl+o"

Open file in HXD editor as shown "a.class" which you hv droped on disktop.

Now click "search" tapos and "Replace"

"Search for" ; name as ""at this window n select "Replace with" naman; ur server..
ex: ""

Now at hxd editor n selected files as shown in ss these are of 29 length and are marked as shown in ss by red colored marking
at start of these data there is one of the data i.e '20'select it n right click on it n go file selection as shown in ss
and following window opens

Showing 29 hexdies clicl ok! n u may change it to as u wish in 'hex-values'
and save that file of HXD it w'll save file at disktop name with'a.class.bak'

Now you have to add this file into ur java achiver i.t ur om 4.2 which u hv minimised winrar achiver in above steps

Restore winrar and right clik n select 'add files to archive' or 'ctrl+a' and select ur edited file'a.class.bak'
and press ok

Now you have done of modifying for server for ur operamini4.2(om4.2)

put /install in your cell and use your server as you wish
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