Java : Bytecode editor 1.40 English Translated By Waryam Soomro For Java Supported Phones

Java Bytecode Editor is, as the name states a Java based bytecode editor suitable for viewing and modifying java class files.
Can directly modify the constant pool constant ... ... can be used to override the search algorithm finished support Chinese, faster, updated rms recording and some other code has been optimized ...  

New Features And Optimizations:

Added in the text interface, find, replace prompt, continuous search for the constant editing interface 〔9 key, the text editing interface 0 key and some other minor changes ... ...

Disassembly and assembly optimized for speed, if only to finished, you can not use it  may consume more memory on And then update it, update the filter 2 to the constant problem of out of order to further improve the code editor, a constant speed of editing ... . 
Too slow to remove the code search, and are not allowed) currently supports only character search has been improved ...Constant joined the google translation ... Edit

Fixed a preservation method code can no longer be open bug ...
  Fix does not recognize the try {} catch (xx. ..){} finally {} generated by the exception table ...
  Optimize the file to read and write, read and write files to improve the efficiency of ...
  Zip in the class of rewrite search ...
Changed about Google search ...  

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