Pot Sign Tools v1.00 By OPda Team -2010 [ what ever you want from a signer ]



=:: Pot Sign Tools v1.00 By OPda Team -2010 [ what ever you want from a signer ] ::=

Pot Sign Tools v1.00 By OPda Team -2010

POT SIGN TOOLS is a program that allow you to:

1: easy sign symbian os 9.x application with your own certificate and key.

2:Extract the imei(s) from symbian signed certificate(s) to see that certificate is yours or not

3: Selfsign symbian os 9.x application witch is only with (Local Services Network Services Read User Data User Environment Write User Data & Location permission on fp2 and s60v5 )

4: Root sign symbian os 9.x application with the Opda , leftup , BiNPDA based root signs

5: Program contain quick imei viewer function that allow you to find your imei contain the certificate or not by clicking on the path of the certificate after select the certificate file.

6:Sign immediately after drag and drop function can make sign so easy and you need not to press the sign button after drag your files on the list and it can save your time

7: by remove unsigned files function you can remove your unsigned files after sign

8: save the cer and key files path allow you to do not select your certificate and key for the next time and the program will select your files automatically after start for the program

9: Signed files path can easily set the path of signed files and you can directly move the signed files to your phone in data storage mode

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