What is VirtualKeyBoard?
For those who have not seen the previous posts for VirtualKeyBoard, it is an alternative to the default Nokia 5800 keyboard, to increase compatibility with older s60v3 software where the Nokia 5800 keyboard does not work, including software such as Quickoffice 6.
In this modified version, there is a new keyboard layout based on the original Nokia 5800 Default Keyboard, as well as a larger QWERTY keyboard for usability. The Keyboards are completely movable by simply clicking on the keyboard and dragging.
* Full Screen Keyboard
* Mini Keyboard
* Keyboard layouts match the Nokia 5800 Default Keyboard
* smaller menu
* smaller V_K icon placed further to right
* ability to minimize/maximize keyboard, with [+] icon.
- Fixed at the bottom of the screen
- Can be aligned to left, center or right corner
- Also can be collapsed
- Download From Here