gilent GeneSpring GX v11.0 MacOSX

 gilent GeneSpring GX v11.0 MacOSX | 581MB

GeneSpring GX provides powerful, accessible statistical tools for fast visualization and analysis of expression and genomic structural variation data. Designed specifically for the needs of biologists, GeneSpring GX offers an interactive desktop computing environment that promotes investigation and enables understanding of microarray data within a biological context. Developed on avadis? from Strand Life Sciences, GeneSpring GX is part of Agilent?s GeneSpring Analysis Platform for systems-level research.

* New application for genomic copy number analysis- Identify genomic copy number variant regions, LOH, allele-specific copy number variations, and common variations across a set of samples
* New application for genome-wide association analysis- Identify SNPs or haplotypes with significant association to an observable trait
* Analyze transcriptomics data to detect alternative splicing events, identify differentially expressed genes and microRNAs
* Uncover interesting patterns in your data using Principal Component Analysis, clustering methods, and powerful class prediction algorithms
* Extend GeneSpring GX functionality using JYTHON Application Programming Interface (API) and fully integrated R programming language
* Display and overlay annotations and data from different experiment types such as gene expression, genomic copy number, and genotyping in a new dynamic Genome Browser
* Place statistically significant results into a biological context using GO analysis, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), Gene Set Analysis (GSA), and pathway analysis
* Build biological networks to model interactions of identified genes of interest using provided species-specific pathway interaction databases
* Manage, store, and analyze multi-omics data in a scalable Workgroup solution
* More...

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